
So Final Fantasy IX got a Switch release last week, which pretty much meant that I had to buy it again. IX is one of the only main line Final Fantasy games I’ve ever played through to completion, and I always think I’m going to go back and run through it again. And yet… every time I attempted, I always hit a brick wall less than a half-hour in.

Oh, Vivi… you’re such a good boy. But why you gotta spend so much time jumping rope? That jump rope sequence ends more Final Fantasy IX run-throughs for me than any other opening in any other game.

Cheating at Inktober ‘18: Lois and Clark

“Are you going to draw them like Lewis and Clark? You know, like the explorers?”

No, because I don’t want to draw buckskin.

Seriously, though, Lois Lane is, like, the best character in comics. Well, maybe not the absolute best, but she’s pretty darn great.